Monday, December 6, 2010

Lexi- Cells Alive/Dead

Today we learned that our class is the only one who handed in all of our presentations so we have to re-vote. You allowed to vote for yourself if you feel your presentation deserves it. Everyone better study for another cell labeling quiz! It's coming up soon so learn as many parts as you can. For homework we had to think about evidence you might have to support the idea that something might be dead on the organism level but living on the cellular level. We talked about it for a while and Will came up with the idea of if you died the cells could live on their own but would die off quickly. Kevin said that some cells would still be living and that mainly your brain and heart need to shut down for you to die. Erica added on to what Kevin said and said that some cells don't need a host. Does that mean that some cells are organisms? Will brought up an important topic, if your organs could live a while after you die Lloyd said that cells survive from leftover nutrients about as long as any person would survive with food, once there is no more food the cells die. We are a multicellular oganism so we are not made up of other organisms.
Picture above is of living cells (in color) and dead cells (in red)

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