Monday, February 7, 2011


In the beginning of class, Mr. Finley had us show him our lab report and homework. Then, we started discussing the homework.

1.What happened?
Yellow balloon had the largest amount of gas. Green balloon had the second most amount of gas. Then, nothing seems to have happened to the red and blue ones.
2.Which graph does this data support?

The data represented graph C. The class agreed on this:). It shows how the balloon got bigger as the temperature got warmer but then, when it got to the "extremes", the balloon didn't fill up.

3.Why does this make sense to you?

This makes sense because the yeast will die in the super hot water, so they can not respirate. But, the super cold water test tube actually has some gas in the balloon. So, the yeast is respirating, so therefore they aren't dead. We can concur that when our bodies are in cold weather, they won't breathe as fast. For example...In the summer, when dogs pant to take in oxygen, to break down glucose, the rate of their metabolisms are higher. The warmer balloon had the most gas in the balloon. So, the dog in summer has a higher rate then the dog in spring. like the test tubes.

All reactions: The higher the temperature, the quicker the reaction rate.

The yellow balloon is like a cell membrane. Mr. Finley told us that the yellow balloon had to be permeable. Because, when you blow up a balloon manually, the CO2 wants to make the concentration between the air and the balloon

Anaerobic Respiration<--click on me for more info!

The difference: Aerobic Respiration uses oxygen, Anaerobic Respiration doesn't use oxygen.

Side Effect: Muscle cramps produced by lactic acid.

Fermentation is to break down one thing to another thing.

Fermentation is a form of anaerobic respiration. But, you don't produce lactic produce alcohol.
~Erica Wirth~

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