Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The test has been moved:
You can take it on Thursday during Homeroom and studyhall if you want, or on Friday during class.
NOTES:(order of what happens in cell)
(Part 1 transcription)
1. DNA unzips.
2. Nucleotides (floating around) connect to one side of the unzipped DNA.
3. mRNA is made(copy of gene)
4. mRNA leaves and DNA re-zips
5. The mRNA leaves the nucleus (through pores)
(Part 2 translation and protein synthesis)
1. mRNA heads to ribosome
2. mRNA joins with ribosome
3. Ribosome reads message 1 codon at a time(3 nucleotides)
4. tRNA (that match the codon from mRNA) brings the amino acid to ribosome.
5. Ribosome takes the amino acids
6. This process is repeated many times.
Differences between transcription and translation.
Result: Transcription you get mRNA and replication you get DNA
Copies: One part of DNA (gene) is copied in transcription. In replication all of the DNA is copied.
*Translation= Protein synthesis (making protein). *Transcription= Making mRNA *Replication= making new DNA.

This can get very confusing at some points. It can be confusing because you forget or confuse transcription and translation or think protein synthesis is a totally different when in reality it is the same thing as translation!!!
KD (3rd)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


To start off class we shared our summaries about our homework last night. We talked about how replication and transcription are similar. In order for it to replicate it needs to "unzip" and in order to transcript it has to "unzip". Another way the two processes are similar are that they make copies. The difference in the copies is that in transcription it's copying a gene and in replication it makes new DNA. If skin falls off you need to make more skin cells that have nuclei so you need to make DNA. During transcription it copies one gene of DNA. When a strand of DNA splits in half it's part of replication. We learned that Uracil goes with Adenine. That proteins are made out of amino acids. Molecules make up amino acids. Atoms make up molecules. Mr. Finley wrote "Black Block" on the board and then picked up a black block. Are they the same? Why or why not? I said no because on the board it's just words but the black block is a black block, the words describe it. 3 nucleotides are called codons.


Monday, February 14, 2011


Today in class we went over the homework. The test is on Thursday!

DNA stands for Deoxyribonucleic Acid.

RNA stands for Ribonucleic Acid.

DNA replication is when cells reproduce.

DNA Molecule is made up of nucleic acid(nitrogen bases).

50% of DNA is new. 50% of it is old. This is called Semi-Conservation.

Semi means half and conservation means to save. Semi-Conservations means to save half of the old DNA.

DNA has two strands of sugar, RNA has one strand.

RNA uses Uracil. DNA uses Thymine.

EXAMPLE: The zipper of a jacket, the "teeth" of the zipper are either cytosine, guanine, adenine, uracil, or thymine.
If you are still a little confused this website may help


Thursday, February 10, 2011

First we came into class and went over the rules for the activity. The rules are, table A can not talk, table B can not try to decoded and table C can not allow the answers to leave the table. We did this experiment to transfer and decode a message from one group through one to a third group. The group that began with the message could not move or talk. They then gave the message to the travelers that brought that to the group with the decode paper then the decoded message through to the second group that could talk who then read the message. This is similar to how the parts of a cell work together. We then discussed how table A was like a nucleus because they had the message. The message represented DNA because it comes from the nucleus. The purpose of the rules are to show how things can pass through the nuclear membrane but only as certain forms. After these questions we began to take notes but will continue tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Science Class 2-9-11

Today in class, we talked about how if there's a sub, we shouldn't listen to them, we should listen to what's on Mr.Finley's plans. After that, we went over the homework.

1. Which form of energy is especially important for living things? Why?
Chemical engery because the ATP gives the energy to your cells so you can do activities.

2. How is photosynthesis important to life on Earth?
Photosynthesis is important because it provides food for us.

3.What starting materials do cells need for cellular respiration?
Cells need glucose and oxygen for cellular respiration.

4. How are photosynthesis and cellular respiration similar? How are they different?
They are similar because they both help plants and other living things live. They are different because photosynthesis makes the glucose and cellular respiration breaks the glucose. Also, cellular respiration happens in the mitochondria and photosynthesis happens in the chloroplasts. And all living things respirate but only plants photosynthesize.

5. Suppose that in a lab you could remove all the oxygen from a terrarium. What would happen to the plants.
If we removed all the oxygen from a terrarium, the plants would die because as it grows, it needs more oxygen and we don't have that much.

6. In everyday language, the word respiration refers to breathing. How is breathing related to cellular respiration?
Breathing is related to cellular respiration because the carbon dioxide we breath out comes from cellular respiration.

After that, we talked about how the result of anaerobic respiration is lactic acid. If the anaerobic respiration keeps up, so would the lactic acid, and as a result you would get muscle cramps. The glucose from cellular respiration is used for energy, storing for later, and it could be used for the plant's structure.


Monday, February 7, 2011


In the beginning of class, Mr. Finley had us show him our lab report and homework. Then, we started discussing the homework.

1.What happened?
Yellow balloon had the largest amount of gas. Green balloon had the second most amount of gas. Then, nothing seems to have happened to the red and blue ones.
2.Which graph does this data support?

The data represented graph C. The class agreed on this:). It shows how the balloon got bigger as the temperature got warmer but then, when it got to the "extremes", the balloon didn't fill up.

3.Why does this make sense to you?

This makes sense because the yeast will die in the super hot water, so they can not respirate. But, the super cold water test tube actually has some gas in the balloon. So, the yeast is respirating, so therefore they aren't dead. We can concur that when our bodies are in cold weather, they won't breathe as fast. For example...In the summer, when dogs pant to take in oxygen, to break down glucose, the rate of their metabolisms are higher. The warmer balloon had the most gas in the balloon. So, the dog in summer has a higher rate then the dog in spring. like the test tubes.

All reactions: The higher the temperature, the quicker the reaction rate.

The yellow balloon is like a cell membrane. Mr. Finley told us that the yellow balloon had to be permeable. Because, when you blow up a balloon manually, the CO2 wants to make the concentration between the air and the balloon

Anaerobic Respiration<--click on me for more info!

The difference: Aerobic Respiration uses oxygen, Anaerobic Respiration doesn't use oxygen.

Side Effect: Muscle cramps produced by lactic acid.

Fermentation is to break down one thing to another thing.

Fermentation is a form of anaerobic respiration. But, you don't produce lactic produce alcohol.
~Erica Wirth~

Friday, February 4, 2011

February 4 Period 8

Today we started by taking qualitative notes on our experiment. Our contolled variable was type of water (Distilled & Bottled Water). Today was Day 4. Our data was:
  • Cap pushed up on bottled water tube
  • Cap stayed same for distlled water tube
  • Big clump of yeast on top of water in distilled tube
  • Almost no yeast on the sides of both tubes
  • Even less water in distilled tube
  • More yeast on bottom of distilled than bottled
  • Not much yeast on top of either tube
  • Bottled water tube got more murky

Next we looked at 4 line graphs in which the x-axis was temperature, and the y-axis was the rate of metabolism. One was a "U" shape, one was straight, one going from bottom to top then plummeting, and one from top to bottom. The 1st question he asked us was which showed change. All but the straight one showed change because both varibles must be adjusted in order for it to be "changed". The 2nd question was which one showed the path for cellular respiration. This was the one that went from the bottom to the top because it shows the correct path for cellular respiration. Next Finley filled up ballons with different temperature CO2 ballons.

Red- Super hot

Yellow- Medium temp/warm

Green- Mix of yellow & blue

Blue- Super cold

After this he apologized for cutting our quiz time short and everybody got them back, unmarked. We had the remainder of the class to finish our report. Finally, the class was over. Do your lab report!!!

Brendan Turner
Finley rox!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Maddie Bedder blog#4 Period 8 2/3/11

Today we observed our test tubes and took notes preparing for the upcoming lab report. Mr.Finley wants us to be exact and just flat out tell what will happen with your results.

What you will expect when your are writing your prediction? You should base it off of your hypothesis. You can use these things for evidence of CO2 production would be the cork shooting out. You also have to have pressure for that evidence. Some more evidence of CO2 production would be yeast and water outside of the test tube. Having it push stuff to have it come out of the sides. It could also just rise a little bit, not having to pop off. If the seal was very good it could be that less CO2 was produced, but the rate could also be very slow, so it wouldn't shoot off immediatley. You also need to have tables for your qualitative data. You could also have two tables if you would like. Because of the snowday, this lab report is going to be due Monday. Try to get little bits of typing done each day. For the conclusion, you could say what you tried if you didn't get it right away like some of the other groups. You should say what you assumed about you experiment, or you could also say what you knew. you could also say what you would want to do next. The conclusion should sum up your whole lab report. Try to say EXACTLY what you did, saw, and said. You should put the independent and dependent varibles should be mentioned in the prediction. The dependent varible was CO2 production. The yeast rises because the CO2 cant get out.

Maddie Bedder blog#4