Monday, November 29, 2010

Period 8 11/28/10 MB(#2)

Today in class we had a quiz on the placement of the cell parts. Mr.Finley recomended to study hard if you didnt stick to the places of the cells, they will come up again soon in the future. For the next quiz, we will have to know the different things that each part does and what it does for the cell.

here is a picture of a plant cell.

Here is the picture of the animal cell.

we also had a slideshow to look over which led up to the project that we have for homework tonight. Here is the link to the slideshow on Mr.Filey's website.

the project is on the slidshow in the link above, for homework, with our groups, we have to each do 2 of the chosen slides and put them on the smart notebook file for the third graders. we werent suppose to simplify the information, we just have to make it more ynderstandable for younger kids. these files will be sent to the third graders in the Chatam school, so do your best to make it very understandable.

Maddie Bedder (BLOG#2)

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Science Class November 24 CS

First in class Mr.Finley walked around and checked our homework from last night which was to read two textbook pages and you had to write a paragraph explaining whether you agree or not with textbook's concept. Then Mr. Finley told us about the charecteristics of life and how they relate from the textbook to the one's we made up in class yesterday. Some people thought that the ones in the book were ture but i thought the book was missing some. The book's list was respond to the enviroment, growth and development, and reproduction. then Mr.Finley had us take notes on a video slide show that you coud find on his website. the slide show's list pf characteristics are organazation, adapt through eveolution, reproduction, metabolism, homeostasis, heredity, and lastly responsiveness. I agree with the list that the slide show provided no the one that the science textbook gave us.
Carter Stumpf

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The cell is the basic unit of living things.

Living things have these characteristic, organization, ability to develop and grow, ability to respond to the environment, and also the ability to reproduce. Bacteria is a very simple living thing, it doesn't need much. An example of a living thing that needs all the characteristic is a king fisher. Most organisms grow into an adult form. Also, they can change a lot in size and appearance.
Needs for life.

You need energy to sleep and breathe. All organisms need a steady supply of energy to stay alive.
Most organisms get their energy from the sun, or food to get energy.

White Lion Cub Adult White Lion

See the difference in size and appearance. These animal also need energy to run, walk, sleep,breathe,etc.
R.R. Period 8

Monday, November 22, 2010

11/22/10 Period 8

Today we went over our homework which was to answer 4 questions about the onion and plant cells.

1. What is a cell and why are they called building blocks?

A cell is a microscopic organism made up of organelles. A cell makes up a tissue, but is also maade up by other living things. They are called building blocks because they all need to work together. They all work together to build up the tissue and make it work.

2. Why did the grass have to be very thin?

The grass had to be thin so we could see the detail of the cell and the different parts of the cell.

3. Why didn't we see any chloroplasts in the onion cell.

We did not see any chloroplasts in the onion cell because it is not green. Also, onions are grown in the ground and do not get any sunlight which means the chloroplasts can't survive.

4. Make a table comparing plant and animal cells.

Plants vs. Animals

Similarities- They both have a nucleus. They are both microscopic. Differences- The plant cells are green and the animal cells are brown. It is harder to see the parts of a grass cell because they were too small.

Mr. Finley said to know all parts of the cell and be able to label them very soon.

If you are having trouble with these questions you could ask a friend to explain them to you or go in early or afterschool to do them again if possible. If that doesn't work you can always ask Mr. Finley.

JR Period 8

Friday, November 19, 2010

11/19/10 P8

Today, we finished off the grass lab and started the onion lab. For the grass lab, we got some grass from outside and we put it on the slide, and then we put one drop of water on it. Then we put the cover slip on it and looked at it through the microscope. The cells were green and quite opaque, are light can't go through it much. The cells were also circular. It was also harder to see the parts.

For the onion lab, we took a paper thin piece of onion and put it on the slide. Then we put one drop of iodine and put the cover slip on it. Then we looked at it throught the microscope. The onion cells were more colorless. Also, ther were no chloroplasts in it. This is because the onion is under-ground. Since it is under-ground, the sun can't reach it, which means it can't do photosynthesis. If it can't do photosynthesis, there is no need for chloroplasts.

After we looked at the plants, we had to answer some questions. Here are the questions.

  • What is a cell? Why are they considered building blocks?

  • Why did our grass have to be very thin?

  • Why didn't we see any chloroplasts in the onion?

  • Make a table of the differences between a animal cell and a plant cell.

It is confusing to know that there are different kinds of cells. It is also hard to memorize it. But, once you start to learn more about it, you get the hang.

Here is a video on the inside of a cell. It is hard to understand in some cases, but it is visually helpful, and names most of the parts we learned about, although it goes into more detail and there are things we never learned about. Here's the link:

By Rohan Mallya

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Plant and Animal Cells

Plant cell :

Today in class we all got new seats. After that Mr. Finley checked our homework. Then we compared the lists we made for homework last night and compared it with our groups. The list was :
Only plants plants and animals

vacuoles chloroplasts cell wall cytoskeleton
nucleus gol gis appritence
large centralized endoplasmic reticulum
golgi apparatus
cell membranes
small not centralized

After we discussed our lists with our group we discussed the list with the class. After that we had to re visit our cheek cells and grass cells, and add labels to our pictures.

Friday, November 12, 2010

11/12/10 Noah Kudman

Today, we talked about the presentation that the expert group made about microscopes. The cover slip is what is used to flatten the sample on a slide. Dry mount slides are used to look at non-liquid samples. if you can't see your sample, try fiddling with the diaphragm. NEVER TOUCH THE SLIDE. A rule to remember is if the body tube is higher than your pinky is ,which is the lowest place the body tube can be, you can't see anything.

A couple days we ago, we talked about how multi-cellular organisms are made of systems, which are made of organs, which are made of cellular tissues, which are made of cells, etc. We decided to take cheek cells because they're large and easily accesible. Mr. Finley took a toothpick and rubbed it on his cheek, lightly rubbed it on a slide, and then threw the toothpick away. He put methalene blue, which is a dye, and put a drop on the cells. He then put a cover slip on it and wiped around the cover slip, and the cover slip stuck to the slide.

He put the slide onto a microscope which was connected to the projector and it was projected onto the Smart Board. We discovered that the white was air and NOT cells. Then, we did the experiment in pairs. We found small blue cells that looked like little blue specks.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Period 8 11-9-10

First off we cheaked our homework. Our homework last night was the microscope pre-assiment. You can cheack you homework with the diagram at the bottem. Assessed our self in cofindence in your answers if you gave yourself a 5 or below you had to go to the two big tables in the middle and you had to do a simulation on the computer to help you understand the microscope better. If you gave yourself a 6 or above on the simulations we had to make a presation for the rest of the class(it was only 5 of us). We had to get a ''letter'' from a pice of paper. (A real letter like 'a') We had to put the letter on a slide. We had to find the letter on the slide under the microscope. If you gave your self under nealth a 5 you would do this same simulation on the computer instead. That's all we go to so far. Rember:

Monday, November 8, 2010


IMPORTANT!!! TEST WEDNESDAY Study Study Study Study 11/10/10 :~O :~O :~O :~O

We watched a video on the universe showing that everything is made up of something else and everything is part of something else. We answered these questions. (Video)

My group said:

  • What's the main idea behind the movie: Small things are part of bigger things which are part of even bigger things etcetera.

  • How can this concept explain the structure of multicellular organisms (ex. humans): This explains multicellular organisms because : They are made up of other things. Ex. Humans are made up of organs, which are made up of tissues, which are made up of cells, which are made up of atoms, which are made of protons and nuetrons, etcetera.............................

Main points:

Q1: Things are always made up of something smaller and everything is part of another group of things (Ex. People live in houses which make up towns which make up states...)

Systems (Ex. Nervous, Reproductive, Digestive, etc.)

Organs (Lungs, brain, etc.)


Tissues (Def. Groups of cells working together)


Cells (ex. blood)

This is important because if we understand that everything is made up of something else and that everything is part of something else then we will get that people are the same way. Then using this info. we will start a new unit.

K.D. Period 8 (2nd)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Period 8 11/2/10

Today in class we discussed the vocabulary word each group was assigned and there definitions in a 1-3 minute SMART notebook presentation. Mine was strepto. If you are looking for VOCABULARY & NOTES!!

Cocci or Coccus-

  • rounded or spherical

  • grouped together to make different shapes


  • rod shaped bacteria

  • by itself or chains

  • never go alone, always in a group (swarm together)

  • 1.4 to 1.7 micrometers in diameters


  • rod shaped bacteria

  • arranged in chains (next to each other)

  • Never alone!!!!!


  • round shaped

  • in clusters or clumps

  • found on skin

  • causes infections in the skin, bones, lungs, and other organs


  • twisted

  • chains


  • pairs or doubled

  • doubled called diplobacteria

To create a word to show the arrangement and shape you take the arrangement(chained, clusters, clumps, etc.) as the prefix, and the shape as the suffix. And you get a word. LOOK BELOW FOR AN EXAMPLE!!!!!!!!!!!

look at the image for an example of streptococcus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


We looked at our study guides and played a game!

Monday, November 1, 2010

P8- Bacteria discussion

Today in class, we got back our graph w/ conclusion and our quiz. Although only one person got 100%( Rohan), there were many more high grades. Don't be dicouraged if your grade is low, because it's worth less than the first quiz, and you can correct it,but it's due by wednesday. So, don't calculate your average and freak out!

Here is a bacteria upclose, which most likely isn't visible to the naked eye:

Later on, we watched a video on youtube about bacteria. Here is the link to the video: This video was sapose to lead us to thinking what was hapenning and why. We all agree upon the fact that they were splitting in half, growing larger, reproducing a sexually, and that the more the bacteria, the faster they reproduce. Plus, we learned a new word, exponent, and exponential. For those who don't know, it's: a number or variable placed to the upper right of a number or mathematical expression that indicates the number of times the number or expression is to be multiplied by itself, as in 23, which equals 8 (definition from We also said that each time the bacteria split, the exponential digits increase. So, it would be, 2 to the 1st power, 2 to the 2nd power, 2 to the 3rd power, 2 to the 4th power...and so on.
Lastly to wrap everything we discussed what we need to know for our next test which is coming soon. In addition for homework we have to research a word. The words were: strepto, diplo, and staphylo. Also as a group you present it in front of the class the next day with a mini, 1-2 min. presentation.

If you still have questions, please go to the discussion site and ask. I will try my best to respond.

S.K P8

This is my 3rd time blogging