Monday, October 25, 2010

October 25 Period 8

Today in class we started by talking about our petri dishes, and how we need to divide the amount of bacteria in a box by 9 to get the percentage of bacterial grwoth in a box. Next, we discussed how much of what Mr. Finley drew on 1/4 of a petri dish, and had to see which group guessed about how much bacteria grew on the 1/4 of the petri dish. The blob was about 25% of the quarter. Our class next had to figure out how they knew it was approx. 25%. To do this, we divided all 6 boxes that contained bacteria into quarters. After that, we found it was 22%.
Next, we took notes on day 5 (sat. and sun.) of our bacteria growing on our actual pertidishes. My group had suprisingly no bacterial growth over the weekend, but some mold had grown on our perti dish.
Section 1 had 35% growth, section 2 had 1%, section 3 had 5%, and section 4 had no growth in my group's petridish. Some qulitative observations were:lots of mold was growing in section 4; section 1 had plenty of smaller bacteria that made up 35% of the dish, section 3 had 3 large bacteria that made up 5%, and we noticed as the hair on our petri dish grew, so did agar.
Finally, we conversed about graphing. Things we need in graphs
-units (x-axis and y-axis)
-variables (height-y axis-dep. time-x axis-ind.)
-scale~even intervals(note- graph does not have to start at zero all the time)
~No HW
P.S. Go Giants

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