Monday, November 1, 2010

P8- Bacteria discussion

Today in class, we got back our graph w/ conclusion and our quiz. Although only one person got 100%( Rohan), there were many more high grades. Don't be dicouraged if your grade is low, because it's worth less than the first quiz, and you can correct it,but it's due by wednesday. So, don't calculate your average and freak out!

Here is a bacteria upclose, which most likely isn't visible to the naked eye:

Later on, we watched a video on youtube about bacteria. Here is the link to the video: This video was sapose to lead us to thinking what was hapenning and why. We all agree upon the fact that they were splitting in half, growing larger, reproducing a sexually, and that the more the bacteria, the faster they reproduce. Plus, we learned a new word, exponent, and exponential. For those who don't know, it's: a number or variable placed to the upper right of a number or mathematical expression that indicates the number of times the number or expression is to be multiplied by itself, as in 23, which equals 8 (definition from We also said that each time the bacteria split, the exponential digits increase. So, it would be, 2 to the 1st power, 2 to the 2nd power, 2 to the 3rd power, 2 to the 4th power...and so on.
Lastly to wrap everything we discussed what we need to know for our next test which is coming soon. In addition for homework we have to research a word. The words were: strepto, diplo, and staphylo. Also as a group you present it in front of the class the next day with a mini, 1-2 min. presentation.

If you still have questions, please go to the discussion site and ask. I will try my best to respond.

S.K P8

This is my 3rd time blogging

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