Friday, December 17, 2010

12/17/10 Cell Vocabulary

Today we started by going over the cell parts and functions. Mr. Finley then showed us in the middle of our discussion how the blue dye mixes with the water. Some observations were that it was spreading, mixing, and swirling.

-stores and protects the DNA; determines what characteristics the cell needs
Cell Wall-provides the shape; protects the cell(on plant cell and bacteria)
Cell Membrane-allows small molecules to pass freely while large molecule move by transport proteins; flexible for ease of motion
Ribosomes-takes RNA and turns it into protein
Vacuole-stores food and water; releases food too
Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum-just a highway system
Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum-many different functions
Chloroplasts-responsible for photosynthesis
Mitochondria-used to provide energy to the cell; has molecules and proteins
Lysosomes-breakdown proteins
Golgi Apparatus-tags molecules so they can be moved; molecules and organelles are attracted to each other
Cytoplasm-transports proteins; maintains the cells shape; keeps cells and organelles in place

We spent the whole class time going over the vocabulary. But it was worth it!

Extra Vocab:
Synthesis-to build or make
Lysis-to breakdown or destroy
~Erica W~


  1. dont lysosomes kill and digest the bacteria around the cell
    kATIE gOMEZ =^0

  2. Yes, but only in white blood cells, the lysosomes are also used to degrade proteins when they have been used up and are no longer useful to the cell.

    -Noah Kudman
