Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Activity-Talya Bendarsky

At the beginning of class we talked about how Mr.Finley's website will be down until January 1st. This is because the website is getting a new layout. People will have to remember to write their homework down during class. We will be able to use the blog, and we will still be able to see his twitter. Some of the things will still be on there. Also, he told us that he replaced our old quiz's with the averaged quiz so that will be on our grades. We had to write down what all of the words on the board do or what they are used for but not the definition. The words on the board were Cell Wall, Cell Membrane*, Ribosomes*, Endoplasmic Reticulum*, mitochondria*, nucleus*, vacuole, cytoplasm, chloroplasts*, lysosomes, and Golgi Apparatus. The words with * after them are important. The nucleus is used to store the DNA. The Cell Membrane is used as a protective barrier for the cell. The Cell Wall is used to keep the cell in the same shape. The Ribosomes are used as a site of protein synthesis. The Smooth ER is used to store important things. The Rough ER is used to collect Protein. Mitochondria is used to provide energy to the cell. The vacuole is used to help the release of waste products and digestion. The cytoplasm is used to help the transport of proteins. Chloroplasts are used to make the cell green by using chlorophyll. Lysosomes are used to degrade proteins. Lastly, the Golgi Apparatus is used to pack macromolecules so that they can go somewhere else.

Talya Bendarsky


  1. So...wait...both the cell membrane and cell wall protect the cell its just that the cell wall keeps the plant cell in the same shape....right??

  2. I found a website online and it said that the cell membrane gives the cell shape, holds the cytoplasm, and controls what moves in and out of the cell. It said that the cell wall gives the plant support and shape. Here is the link-

    - Juliana

  3. this really helped because i was confused about what some part of the cell really did!

  4. To answer Erica's Question
    The Cell Wall is used to keep the cell in shape, but the cell Membrane is used to protect the pretty sure
