Friday, March 4, 2011

3/4/11 Blog

If you can't read the picture go to google images and type in "a cell going through mitosis."
He started to talk about when he went around yesterday telling us about the leader. What does it mean to be a team leader: to include everyone,making sure everyone stays on track, and also getting activities done in a certain amount of time. If you don't understand something about this ask Mr. Finley or leave a comment and hopefully I'll be able to answer it!!!!! Then, we took out our answers to the questions from the book. Answers below!!!!!

Section 3.1

1) Cell division is important because it makes more cells for you when you get grow, develop, and repair for multicellular organisms. Cell division is important because it creates a new organism.

2) Genetic material is organized in a eukaryotic cell is packaged in the form of a chromosome.

3) Repair: The cells grow in size but when they divide the two cells are identical, so if you slice your knee, they both fill in the whole. Growth: When you get taller or bigger, you will need more cells. Development: They help you grow and when they split they grow or else they would get smaller and smaller everytime they split.

4) DNA compacts before a eukaryotic cell divides because DNA is wrapped around proteins like a thread around a spool and compacted into structures called chromosomes, it shows up better under a microscope.

5) I think that injuries to the skin generally heal faster than injuries to the brain because your skin cells divide faster than the brain because the cell cycle is shorter.

Section 3.2

1) The two main parts of the cell cycle are Interphase first then mitosis second.

2) There are more organelles, more DNA, and when they split they grow x2.

3) The genetic material in two daughter cells are similar to the genetic material in the parent cell because they are genetically similar.

4) 1. Prophase-The nucleus membrane disappears.

2. Metaphase-lines up the chromosomes in the middle of the nucleus.

3. Anaphase-chromosomes seperate.

4. Telephase-new membranes form and split.

5) There is a cell membrane in the animal cell, a cell wall forms between them in a plant cell.

#6 we didn't go over

  • Then we took a look at cells going through mitosis.

  • When we use microscopes, we use them as a group, 2 microscopes per table.

  • The ones with pink labels don't work.

  • Then we filled out a worksheet, we're going to finish it tomorrow in class

If you people have any questions ask Mr. Finley or leave a comment and hopefully I'll be able to answer.



  1. This is Saad,

    I just want to add something about the team leader thing- If you are the group leader for the day, and someone else in your group is off track, you will be the one to lose points (participation points for the whole week), not the other person, because you are the leader.Also., if you don't know who the leader is, then everyone will lose points. Therefore, you should just go clockwise, so that you know immediately who the leader is.

    This whole method of group leaders is suppose to encourage each others to cooperate and work together so that you gain points instead of losing points.

    S.K P8

  2. This is Saad again,

    In some diagrams of the cell cycle, they include cytokineses as its own part in the cycle, whereas some include it as part of mitosis. It all depends on the illustrator.Cytokineses is basically the actual stage in which the cell splits into two daughter cells.

    SK P8

  3. So wait, cytokinesis would be a specific part of mitosis?? Also, depending on the illustrator...right?

    ~Erica Wirth~

  4. Cytokinesis is when the cyoplasm of a cell divides. Cytokinesis happens after telophase. They are very similar stages in Mitosis.
