Thursday, March 24, 2011

Today we did an experiment directing and acting out meiosis. We have some people on tables acting as a cell membrane around the people who are inside acting as changing chromosomes. We are using string to symbolize spindle fibers. the string is attached to the chromosomes, that will pull apart the chromosomes. we used the people on the inside to made into chromosomes that then group into homologous pairs and we used the rest of the people on the inside are centriols. The homologous pairs are lined up along the equator in metaphase 1.The spindle fibers have attached to the homologous pairs.we acted out each step up to prophase and will continue on Monday. Above are example pictures of the simulation. See if you can identify what these stages are. "in comment"

1 comment:

  1. #1(Meiosis)=Metaphase 1: This is because the chromosome pairs are lined up in the middle of the cell.
    #2(Meiosis/Mitosis)=Telophase (1): This is because there are two nuclei.(You can't tell if there's DNA in them so you can't identify if it's mitosis or meiosis.)
    #3(Mitosis/mieosis)=Telophase (1): This is because there are two nuclei.(You can't tell if there's DNA in them so you can't identify if it's mitosis or meiosis.)
    #4(Meiosis)= Anaphase 1: The homologous pairs are being ripped apart, not the individual chromosomes.
    #5(Meiosis/Mitosis)= Interphase (1): There is one complete nucleus with 100% DNA, which is how both processes start.
    #6(Same as #1).

