Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Science Class Period 8 3/16/11

Today we are finising up our presentations from yesterday. Mr.Finley checked our classwork/homework from yesterday. He is also checked the review from us picking the better simulation online. It was a video and then a video animation on If you didn't do the review, then you can do it tonight and turn it in for partial credit. Mr.Finley helped the groups move along with their presentations if they were having issues with their pictures or explantions. We went over the questions which were:

1) How does binary fission relate to cell division?
Binary fission and mitosis are both about the division of the cell, but binary fission seperates bacteria in prokaryotic cells. Cell division seperates eukaryotic cells.

2) What is a bud, and where does it form on an organism that reproduces asexually?
Budding is where a new cell starts to form on the side of a membrane of another cell, then it grows out the side, then after it is very large, it just seperates.

3) Compare sexual and asexual reproduction.
Sexual reproduction is different from asexual because in sexual reproduction, you need two cells, but in asexual reproduction, it reproduces faster, and it is only one cell. in sexual reproduction, the offspring looks similar to their parents. You would look identical in asexual reproduction since it's only one cell.

After we went over the questions we took notes on chromosomes in karyotypes. Which is a picture of your chromosones, and they are all single strands. They all have two strands. There are 46 all in total in the human body. There are 23 pairs of chromosones, the pairs are homologous, which means the same, they represent the same pair. Down syndrome is when we are missing one of the pair of chromosomes from the 21st pair. The pairs 1 through 22 we call autosomes. Sex chromosomes are either xx or xy. Xx is a girl, and xy is a boy.

1 comment:

  1. 3. Also, in asexual reproduaction only goes through cell division, and sexual reproduction goes through scell division and other processes.

    kATIE gOMEZ P8
