Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Crossing over...

1)Crossing Over= two homologous pairs connect and exchange/switch a part of the homologous. Then a new cell is made.

2)Why are your siblings different from you?

You have different chromosomes because of crossing and everyone else because now we have different positives and negatives, so if everyone was exactly the same, only the same thing would be able to be contributed. This is called diversity.

Phases of Meiosis

1) Metaphase-Homologous chromosomes pair up and form tetrad

2) Anaphase I- Spindles Fibers move homologous chromosomes to oppisite sides

3)Cytokinsis II- Nuclear membrane reforms, cytoplasm divides, 4 daughter cells formed

4) Metaphase II- Chromosomes line up alomg equator, not in homologous pairs

5)Prophase I- Crossing over occurs

7)Anaphase II-Chromotids seperate

8) Metaphase I- Homologs line up alone equator.

9) Cytokinesis I- Cytoplasm divides, 2 daughter cells are formed.

R.R. #5


  1. Is that the order, because shouldn't Metaphase I be at the top?

    Maddie Bedds

  2. To be more specific, during crossing-over, the chromosome exchanges only a quarter of its x shape (exchange an arm for another)

    Saad Khan
