Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Today in class we started off where we left off yesterday, the three groups. The first group was the textbook group we had to answer a few questions. To find the questions go to page 97 in the Cells textbook and answer questions 1-8.
After that we went to the group and went over the stages, cytokinesis, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase. We had a picture on the smart board and each cell was a different stage. Anaphase was when two cells are attached and are then pulled away from each other. An example to remember this is calling it the best friend stage. The best friends are being pulled away from each other. Another stage is prophase which is when a cell is crowded by a bunch of other cells. Metaphase is when the chromosomes line up. Telophase is when the nucleus is formed. Cytokinesis is seperation of the cell membrane. After that we watched the simulation, took notes, and drew pictures of each stage. To watch the simulation go to the following link: Then after you watch the simulation take notes on the vocabulary and draw pictures of each stage.
-Simrin Kullar #4

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